Hopes, dreams, and resolutions

As I reflect on the speeding passage of time, I’ve noticed a shift in my yearly resolutions, hopes, and dreams. This isn’t a negative development; it signifies that I’ve either achieved those aspirations or some have lost their significance. Time provides a valuable perspective on life. I had an extensive list of goals and self-improvement […]

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Drum roll for 2017!

Luckily, we measure time in years, sometimes seconds when things go really badly, which allows us to believe that we can leave a year behind and start a new one, hoping it will be better. This year for many, it’s a loud and clear drum roll we hear, as we eagerly wait to leave the […]

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At long last, chucking my 18-month planner!

It’s only the beginning of December and I already purchased the 2017 planner. I’m so done with the last 18-month rollercoaster ride! It’s no wonder my doctor suspected a mini heart attack! But I’m here and ready to enjoy the new year ahead. I’m armed with hope, a backpack full of resilience and an open mind […]

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How to deal with the post-holiday blues.

First we prep for Thanksgiving and if that weren’t an ordeal in and of itself, we are immediately greeted by Black Friday. That’s the Holiday kick off. We get all revved up by stores’ ads, carols, tree-lighting events, family dinners, Christmas parties, kids’ end of school pageants and New Year’s Eve parties. December is a month […]

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