Hopes, dreams, and resolutions

As I reflect on the speeding passage of time, I’ve noticed a shift in my yearly resolutions, hopes, and dreams. This isn’t a negative development; it signifies that I’ve either achieved those aspirations or some have lost their significance. Time provides a valuable perspective on life. I had an extensive list of goals and self-improvement […]

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Javier Marías se fue pero no nos ha dejado

Cuando lees a veces encuentras que el escritor te quita las palabras de la boca. Esas que no sabrías expresar y que él resuelve de manera tan audaz. Me gustan aquellas historias donde el autor se hace visible divagando mientras hace una reflexión personal que saca a la luz quien hay detrás de esas letras […]

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Where is home?

In the past, I used to believe that home was simply the place where I slept and spent most of my time. However, as time passed, I came to understand that it is a more intricate concept. Home is not just a physical location, but rather a feeling that we carry with us wherever we […]

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In search for joy through shoes

After reading “The Body Keeps Score” by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., I have had several realizations about my personality traits and how they have shaped me as a person. One particular realization has to do with my infatuation with shoes, which has puzzled me for some time. Until the age of 36, I owned […]

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Being alone in middle age is underrated

As we grow older, many of us face an increasingly busy and hectic life. We often have more responsibilities, from work and family commitments to social engagements and other obligations. Amidst all this, it can be easy to overlook the value of solitude, particularly for introverts. But the truth is, being alone has many positive […]

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